

A therapeutic drugs and medical supplies company, founded in 1989 by pharmacists, focused on enhancing patient health, treating illnesses, and alleviating pain. After achieving significant success, the company was restructured in 2022, enhancing equipment, staff, and expertise to provide more effective patient treatment.


Our Values!

  • Commitment and responsibility towards our society for better health and a brighter future.

  • Respect and appreciation for employees and all workers.

  • Producing safe and effective products.

  • Continuous development of facilities and cadres.

Why ALMansour?



Because our primary goal is to provide effective treatment to patients and not profit mainly, we offer our products at competitive prices so that all groups of society can obtain them.


Even though our products are affordable to people; we never compromise on quality and always strive to produce the best quality product using the most advanced manufacturing technology available today.


The company is trying to attract foreign expertise, which makes Al-Mansour products equivalent in effectiveness and quality of imported products.


The company›s long-standing presence in the market has earned it the trust and satisfaction of customers.


WhatsApp Image 2023-05-18 at 8.52.59 PM
Best Drugs to use for a flu

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Social Responsibility


Al-Mansour Company is committed to being a socially responsible institution through its continuous contributions at the local level by providing job opportunities and training for Iraqi doctors and pharmacists, in addition to providing locally manufactured medicines for patients. Green in the surrounding area and around the company›s buildings. As for the employees, it seeks to create a suitable work environment that achieves well- being for them and guarantees them their material and moral rights. 

We Are Proud To Be Part Of The Medical Security Of Our Beloved Iraq.